Details About HR & Payroll Application.

Details About HR & Payroll Application.

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I am writing this blog to explain briefly the details about my application. 1) SECURITY: The First and most Important thing in every application is security, I have used Spring Security inside the application which fulfill authentication and authorization , Security is based on Roles & Permissions based . 2) Sign-Up & Sign-In: Anyone can Sign-up to this application but can't Sign-in until their account is approved inside the application by admin or Manager . Once the account is approved and the roles and permissions are assigned then they can access the application by using their credentials . 3) Roles & Permissions: Inside the application different Roles & Permissions can be assigned to the users in the Profile Section ,which will allow or deny the rest of features inside the application. 1.JPG 2.JPG 4)Country,Company , Branches , Departments & Job Titles: Admin can create , update or delete countries , companies it's branches , it's different departments and also job titles . 3a.JPG 3b.JPG 3c.JPG 3d.JPG 5) Employee Section: Employee Section is main Section of this application where we can create Employees , a four step wizard would take all the data related to the employee and we can save the employee . -Yearly Vocation : This the sub Section of Employee Section where we can manage yearly employee vocations . it will contain the complete vocations history of the employee . -Documents : this is the sub Section of Employee where we can upload , update and delete documents related to each employee. -Salary : This is the Sub Section which contains the all the details related to Salary , Basic , Transport , Increments and much more. -Elements : This Sub Section contains the information about the which the employee has given by the company to use e.g: Car, Home , Laptop etc belongs to the company . -Final Exit: This is the Last Sub Section of Employee which calculate the benefit end of Service when the employee wants to leave after finishing the contract or resign or terminate. 4a.JPG 4b.JPG ![4c.JPG( 4d.JPG 4e.JPG 4f.JPG 4ff.JPG 4g.JPG 4h.JPG 4j.JPG 5) PayRoll Section: In this section we can select the company and branch from a drop down menu and on selection the list of employees will automatically Pop-up which will belong to that branch , we can also shift an employee to other branch on fly , we can generate payroll for all the employees that branch having in bulk , we can add or edit inside the different sections of payroll before generating it . Once we save it according to month , then we can generate it's pdf or can edit it . payroll1.JPG payroll2.JPG

6) Vehicles: This Section Contains all the information related to company own Vehicles , we can add it's maintenances cost , details , and we can also generate reports individually as well as combined reports for all Vehicles . 5a.JPG 5b.JPG 7) Insurances: This Section Contains Sub-Sections , all are about Insurances , Employee Insurances , Company Insurances , Properties & Vehicle Insurances . 6.jpg 8)Government: This Section is about all the Documents related to Government and Company . Its Expiry date , Registrations , VAT , Agreements & Much more . 7.JPG